How To Participate in a Plant Swap

Do you know how to participate in a plant swap? Have you ever participated in one in your area? If you haven’t you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to trade some of the flowers, herbs and plants that are taking over your garden (or at least you have an abundance of), for some new plants you have been dying to get a start from. Many garden clubs, or community groups, have plant swaps in April or May. These swaps allow gardeners in the community to come together, and trade extras. It is also a great way to get a good start, on a new garden, with little or no cash.

how to participate in a plant swap

Here’s how to participate in a plant swap. Everyone brings their extra plants, or seeds to share with others:

  • Do you have a couple starts off of your Hostas, Mint, Lillies, Irises, or Raspberries you could share with others?
  • Do you have a bunch of prize winning tomato, hollyhock, or pepper seeds you saved from last summers crop?
  • Do you have an over abundance of young plants you started this spring that you would love to share with others?

Find a plant swap in your area to share these garden treasures. While you are there you can pick up some items you may be missing in your own garden, such as a start of lemon thyme, or garlic chives. Maybe you will spot the double-blooming White Irises you have been ogling at the garden center but didn’t want to shell out the cash for.

Can’t locate a swap in your area? Set one up yourself. Check with your local library, community center, or park to see if they would be willing to help you host your plant swap. You could ask for a small donation from participants to give to the hosting location. Set a date and call your local newspaper to see if they would post the information under community news. Ask a couple gardening friends to help you set up a couple tables, and help with clean up afterward.

Ask everyone to bring at least one plant to share. Don’t forget to have everyone label their plants, and to indicate whether the plant prefers sun, or shade. Let them know that they may take home as many plants as they bring. You may want to start the swap by letting everyone who brings something pick one thing, and draw numbers to see who goes first. If it is a free for all some people may end up with slim pickings, while others have hoarded all the good stuff.

Participating in a plant swap is a fun and rewarding experience. You can get some great new additions for your garden, and find new homes for unwanted extras you may have. Someone may be very excited to have a start of your Variegated Zebra Grass, or Red Bee Balm. It will also give you a great feeling to share.

1 thought on “How To Participate in a Plant Swap”

  1. Love it! I’ve been working on a new site about Herb Gardening and have been browsing the net looking for good topics to share on my site – Plant Swaps are a super idea!

    Herb Gardening

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