Natural Algae Remedy

Here is a simple way to keep slimy green algae from growing in fountains and birdbaths. When you clean the birdbath or fountain and fill it with fresh water, add lavender flowers. Bind about eight lavender flowers together with a string or rubber band and lay the bundle in the water. The anti fungal properties … Read more

Herbs and Flowers For Shade

Many herbs will grow well in the shade ( four hours or less of sun per day). Here are some herbs that tolerate partial shade: angelica, catnip, chervil, dill fennel, sweet woodruff, lemon balm, tarragon, lovage, parsley, pennyroyal, and pineapple sage. Mint can survive anywhere, including shady spots. Chives will grow well in the shade, … Read more

Make Your Own Seed Tape

Instead of buying expensive prepared seed tapes you can make your own. Cut newspaper into 1″ wide strips. Create a paste from flour and water about the consistency of thick gravy. Dot the paste on the newspaper strip at evenly spaced intervals and apply the seeds. Cover the seeds with more paste, then lay the … Read more

Control Invasive Herbs

Some herbs can be invasive, such as bee balm, costmary, mint, and wormwood. These herbs spread by aggressive underground runners. These herbs can still be enjoyed and controlled if you plant them in a container, or barrier the roots can’t penetrate. Find an old bucket or pot. You want to look for a pot that … Read more

Ohio Weather

If you don’t like the weather in Ohio wait until tomorrow is the saying I hear on a regular basis. In this case it is the opposite. The weather has been great for about the last week, highs in the 60’s and 70’s, with plenty of sunshine. The week before that it was rain, rain, … Read more