Butterfly Bike Trail

There’s a bike trail near our home we visit quite often. The part of the trail we ride most often is loaded with butterflies. I (of course) have taken many photos of these beautiful creatures while we’re on our walks. Here are some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy these beautiful butterfly photos as … Read more

Gooseneck Loosestrife

Have you ever heard of Gooseneck Loosestrife? It looks like a pleasant enough flower, sitting there all pretty and innocent. But it is a very aggressive plant. If you’re looking for a plant to fill in a large area quickly then this is a good plant for you. Otherwise I would stay away from Loosestrife. … Read more

My Dads Garden

This is my dad’s garden. While my garden is often weedy, and not always in perfect condition, my dad’s garden is always beautiful. Year after year he quietly tends his little plants, until the grow into beautiful flowers, fruits, and vegetables. He is truly the reason why I love nature, and gardening so much today. … Read more

The Praying Mantis in My Garden

This cute little Praying Mantis was visiting my garden the other day, gobbling up all the pesky bugs that munch on my plants. He paused long enough for me to snap a photo of him. Having a Praying Mantis (or two, or three) in your garden is one of the benefits of gardening organically. If … Read more