Easy DIY Mardi Gras Mask Décor

Mardi Gras arrives the first week in March, so why not bring all of the color and festivities that comes with it into your own home? You don’t have to venture to New Orleans to enjoy Mardi Gras, you just have to make a trip to your local dollar store. Take a peek below at how to make your own easy and inexpensive Mardi Gras Mask décor to add a pop of color and fun to your own space. It is so easy!

Easy DIY mardi gras mask decor idea

DIY Mardi Mask Décor

Supplies needed:

  • Assorted foil Mardi Gras masks
  • Empty picture frame
  • Masking tape
  • Spray paint (optional)

We were able to find a package of six masks at our local dollar store for just $1. Search the house for a picture frame you are not using anymore, or scour your local thrift store for one that will work. You want it to be generous in size, as you can fit more masks in it that way.


1. Begin by painting your frame the color of your choice. We opted for a simple white. We just found a wood frame at a thrift shop and gave it a quick coat of flat white. It looked nice and clean when we were done.
2. Once it is dry, hang the frame on the wall.
3. Choose 3 masks to place on the inside. We picked three different colored masks so we would really have a pop of color.
4. Add a piece of masking tape to the back of each mask. If you are concerns about hurting the paint on your wall, opt for some putty or other damage free hanging materials.
5. Press the masks into a vertical row inside of the picture frame. You should be able to eyeball the arrangement but if you feel better using a ruler to get even placement, go for it.

Easy DIY mardi gras mask decor

Stand back and admire your Mardi Gras Mask décor! It makes such a bold statement in such a simple way!

Gather your supplies and give this simple and inexpensive Mardi Gras Mask décor a try. It is sure to get you into the Mardi Gras spirit!

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