My Thoughts On The Sunbeam Mini Cupcake Maker – A Review

I got recently had the opportunity to check out the Sunbeam Mini Cupcake Maker. I was excited to take it for a test run, I’ve been wanting to try one of the mini cupcake makers forever! I’ve used it several times now, to make several different types of mini cupcakes. Check them out:

First up I made these simple mini cupcakes with sprinkles. I used my favorite vanilla cupcake recipe.

Then I made these mini Oreo cupcakes, by dropping the Mini To Go Pack Oreos in the bottom of the cupcake wrapper, then topping it with a second mini Oreo when they were done.

I made some mini cinnamon cupcakes too, but my son ate them all before I could get them iced for a photo! I guess that means they were a hit?

I think the Sunbeam Mini Cupcake Maker is very cool. Well, maybe not when it’s heated up! If you want to make a few cupcakes and do a little baking with your kids this can be really fun. Just be careful, the cupcake maker gets hot! Let the kids know it’s not a toy, and it can burn them if they’re not careful.

Let the cupcake maker heat up while you’re mixing up your favorite cake mix, or cupcake recipe. Then line each cupcake hole with a mini cupcake liner and pour in enough batter to fill the cups about 2/3 to 3/4 full. Bake them according to the Mini Cupcake Maker’s directions, mine took about 6-8 minutes.

Be careful when you open the lid! There is usually some steam built up, so you may want to use an oven mitt. The directions say to use a wooden, or plastic spoon to get your mini cupcakes out, I used the handle end of a wooden spoon and it worked really well once I got the hang of it.

Clean up was super easy, the Cupcake Maker has a no stick surface, so everything just wiped right off once it was cool. Overall I really liked the cupcake maker, and I love to make cupcakes, so I think it’s going to be a kitchen favorite.

Disclaimer: I received a Mini Cupcake Maker from Sunbeam at no charge to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own.

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