How To Attract Winter Birds

The winter season is definitely here in Ohio! We have snow on the ground and cold temperatures the next several days, and I’m sure plenty of winter cold coming in the next couple months. Winter has definitely set in and with it comes a variety of colorful birds who will be in desperate search of food. Knowing how to attract winter birds to your yard is not only beneficial for them, but it can be quite entertaining for you. Take a look below at how to attract winter birds this season, so you can enjoy a colorful show all season long!

7 Tips~ How to attract winter birds.

Looking for more birding tips? Check out How to Attract Son Birds

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1. Know their tastes.
Winter birds such as cardinals, woodpeckers, finches, nuthatches, and blue jays all love particular seeds. These seeds would include black sunflower seed
, thistle seeds, and safflower seed
. You can find these seeds by the pound at most home and garden stores or retail stores. Not only are they tasty to the birds, but they are full of healthy oils that the birds need to survive the winter.

2. Hang your feeders.
When you hang feeders, you discourage animals such as squirrels and raccoons from getting to them. This will help the birds feel safer as well, and allow them to approach the feeder easily. Try hanging feeders from hooks, branches, or other pole devices built for bird feeders.

3. Try some suet.
Suet is a fatty substance sometimes sprinkled with seed that birds love. It gives them energy and helps them build fat, which they need to stay warm during the winter. Suet is inexpensive making it a great option if on a budget. Hang it from a tree for easy pickings, or, hang it from a feeder in a suet feeder

4. Keep the feeders filled.
It is important that the birds can count on the feeders. If they know your yard is a reliable source of food, they will continue to visit daily. This consistency is also the best way to build a yearly following.

5. Provide water.
Water freezes easily in the winter, so birds can go thirsty quick. Provide fresh water as often as possible for your birds, either in bowls or a bird bath. You can also purchase devices, like a Birdbath De-Icer to keep bird baths from freezing, which may be something you wish to invest in.

6. Provide housing scraps.
Toss some string, fabric scraps, hay, and other items that could be used for nesting around the food. Birds will love being able to take their pick of building materials! It will help them build warm homes right in the area.

7. Shelter is great!
If you can, put up a simple bird house
or two. It is a great way for birds to beat the rough elements that winter brings.

If you wish to attract birds this winter, give these tips for attracting winter birds a try. You are sure to see some great results!

Looking for more on attracting birds and even butterflies?

~How To Attract Songbirds

~Gardening For Butterflies

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