Beautiful and Beneficial Bugs In My Garden This Summer

This summer I’ve had quite a few beautiful and beneficial bugs in my garden. I captured some photos so I thought I’d share some of them with you today.

My favorite creatures are the butterflies that come to visit every summer. I try to plant my garden with them in mind, so I’m always excited when they take me up on my offer to visit.

meadow walk butterfly

This butterfly was trying to hold on to a butterfly bush, while the wind was whipping around him.

butterfly on butterfly bushAnother one of my favorite garden visitors is the praying mantis. I usually see several during the summer, but this is the first and only one I’ve spotted this summer in my garden. He was hanging out on the rose bush, hopefully picking off those aphids.

Praying Mantis RosesFinally, there have been plenty of worker bees spreading the pollen from plant to plant in my garden. I know we definitely don’t appreciate them enough for all they do.

coreopsis 3I love to catch them in the act, so I probably have 20 plus bee photos, but I’ll just torture you with two of them… for now.

meadow flowers3

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