Building Some New Raised Garden Beds

We’ve been working on building some new raised garden beds this fall. It’s an ongoing project, I’m sure we’ll still be working on them in the spring.

The first couple are going to be for perennials, you can see some strawberries peeking out of one above. I also have some asparagus, horseradish, red raspberries (maybe), and rhubarb to be relocated into the beds from other places on our property.

I already have a couple raised beds next to the house for my kitchen herb garden. Since they’ve worked out so well I’ve decided to add more for vegetables and edible perennials.

I’ve been adding compost, a partially composted mixture of cow, pig and horse manure, fall leaves and some top soil someone gave us. I plan to layer in more through the winter.

I’ll be back with progress updates as we go.

3 thoughts on “Building Some New Raised Garden Beds”

  1. I like our raised beds, though they can dry out faster in the middle of summer. In the spring however, they are easier to work with and you can get things growing a lot earlier.

  2. Diana~ That’s what I’m hoping for, I want to get some row covers and hopefully plant some early spring greens. I think they’ll be easier for me to care for and keep the weeds out of.

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