It’s That Time Of Year! Garden Vegetable Soup!

It’s been a little chilly and rainy here this week, so it put me in the mood for soup! I love this time of year when I can walk out to my garden and pick supper! Well, maybe not this year… My garden hasn’t produced much this year because of the dry weather, so I’ve had to hit the local farmer’s market to make up the difference. One of my favorite early fall meals is garden vegetable soup. I just walk out to the garden, and whatever vegetables I have on hand, I throw them in the soup.

Don’t worry if you don’t have much left in your garden this time of year, use what you have and supplement it with some frozen veggies, or fresh vegetables from a local farmer. This isn’t really a recipe, just a list of suggestions, I don’t measure I just throw them in!

Here’s what mine looked like before I threw in the tomatoes and cabbage.

Garden Vegetable Soup

(all of these are just suggestions, use what you have)

  • Green beans snapped in two
  • New Potatoes
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Lima beans
  • Corn
  • Cabbage
  • Yellow or Zucchini squash
  • Fresh tomatoes, blanched peeled and chopped
  • Vegetable or beef stock
  • Garlic to taste
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Chop all the vegetables together in a large stock pot, and simmer until all the vegetables are cooked through. YUM! Extra yummy onĀ  a cool day!

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