Heat Up That Compost Pile

Compost is one of the best things you can add to any type of soil. It makes hard clay soil looser, and less likely to clump. It makes sandy soil retain more moisture. Most important of all compost contains valuable nutrients, and micro organisms to help keep your plants healthy. You can set up 5×6 … Read more

Get Back In Touch With Nature

Spring is a time for renewal. It’s a time when everything comes back to life. Spring is an excellent time to get back in touch with nature, and appreciate the beauty around you. It’s easy to get caught up in all the things you need to get done in the springtime. I challenge you to … Read more

Powdery Mildew Control Recipe

Here is one of my favorite recipes to combat powdery mildew:1 Tablespoon of Murphy’s oil soap1 Gallon of water3 Tablespoons of baking sodaA spray bottle, or sprayerMix all ingredients together and pour into the spray bottle, or sprayer. Spray on affected plants. I know it’s not quite that time of year yet, but it never … Read more

Natural Algae Remedy

Here is a simple way to keep slimy green algae from growing in fountains and birdbaths. When you clean the birdbath or fountain and fill it with fresh water, add lavender flowers. Bind about eight lavender flowers together with a string or rubber band and lay the bundle in the water. The anti fungal properties … Read more

Herbs and Flowers For Shade

Many herbs will grow well in the shade ( four hours or less of sun per day). Here are some herbs that tolerate partial shade: angelica, catnip, chervil, dill fennel, sweet woodruff, lemon balm, tarragon, lovage, parsley, pennyroyal, and pineapple sage. Mint can survive anywhere, including shady spots. Chives will grow well in the shade, … Read more